News Epic developing five new games, enthused about PC as a "primary platform" Aug. 16, 2011 Nathan Grayson
News HAWP's Anthony Burch takes reigns on Borderlands 2's "ambitiously crafted story" Aug. 4, 2011 Nathan Grayson
News EA responds to Dragon Age II Steam disappearance, blames Valve's "restrictive" TOS July 28, 2011 Nathan Grayson
News Suda has 100 social game ideas, wants to make NMH "social game with the most blood" July 26, 2011 Nathan Grayson
News Itagaki chalks up Japanese game dev woes to lack of action, "social skills" July 26, 2011 Nathan Grayson
News Kinect Star Wars at Comic-Con: "There are 100 million Star Wars fans, but not all of them play games" July 22, 2011 Nathan Grayson
News Bethesda on not-quite-successes: "Nothing is a hundred percent in this industry" July 20, 2011 Nathan Grayson
News Ubi on Far Cry 3: PC has "more grunt," but console differences "might not be as much" as expected July 19, 2011 Nathan Grayson
News New Uncharted movie director "starting from scratch," thinks Nathan Fillion's "a good actor" July 19, 2011 Nathan Grayson
News Criterion on Burnout Crash: "Looks different," but core of game "exactly the same" July 8, 2011 Nathan Grayson
News Square Enix announces ridiculously named 3DS Final Fantasy rhythm game July 6, 2011 Nathan Grayson
News Sakurai: "We've got no plans whatsoever" for Smash Bros, "several year" wait possible June 23, 2011 Nathan Grayson
News PopCap: Working on multiple platforms at once leads to "lowest common denominator thinking" June 2, 2011 Nathan Grayson