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Caty McCarthy

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Caty McCarthy is a former freelance writer whose work has appeared in Kill Screen, VICE, The AV Club, Kotaku, Polygon, and IGN. When she's not blathering into a podcast mic, reading a book, or playing a billion video games at once, she's probably watching Terrace House or something. Her work finds its way to VG247 via her time as USgamer's Senior Editor.

Pokemon Go and Revisiting a Fad

Pokemon Go and Revisiting a Fad

Caty's at the helm of Kat's column this week, as she recalls her long overdue visit to Pokemon Go-Land.
Wattam Review: Cool Hat Trick

Wattam Review: Cool Hat Trick

Wattam is a delightful game about friendship, the world, and poop, from the mind behind Katamari.