AU News Wrap, August 9 - What Happened Today
Today, most importantly, I ran incredibly late getting my daily wrap up. Oh, and some other stuff happened, I guess.
What a day! Woken at the crack of dawn for chores, rushed back to the desk minus promised iced coffee shake, drowned in guff headlines - all of which you'll find in the shorts. Talk about first world problems, eh? It's a good life.
We've got some great content today; Pat'll be along shortly to summarise the last 24 hours for you if it's all a bit too much right now. We understand.
Anyway, we kicked things off this morning with a few stories from Debabrata:
- New gameplay footage for Virtua Tennis 4 on PS Vita revealed
This enduring series is looking kind of slick on Sony's new handheld. - Carbine Studios producer discusses unannounced MMO
I'm cynical, but I just can't imagine it's anything other than fantasy or sci-fi. - English version of Malicious confirmed
Nice! I'm always keen on new downloadable games.
Then I figured I may as well do some work instead of trying to answer my email. There's no point to it. More just comes in.
- Civilization V trailers show off DLC - Korea, new wonders
I love Civ. What a pity I am incapable of learning how to play it properly. - Hollenshead: IdTech 5 "too much" for Wii, uncertain on Wii U
I imagine a PR rep was turning an interesting colour while he said this. - Resistance 3's fourth 16 player map is Alice Springs
A little disappointed to find that it looks like 1950's America coated in red dust. - Warhawk fans may get early Starhawk beta access
Releasing against Mass Effect 3? Brave. - Second Bodycount dev diary explores design decisions
I almost put "discusses" instead of "explores", but I'd probably have lost my license. - Moore: Nintendo's job is to "build a better mousetrap"
Referring to the old chestnut about inventing said item. - Rumour - Four new Nintendo Selects budget titles for Wii
It could be true. Who knows? Sounds like a good idea. - Quick shots - Forza 4 celebrates Le Mans license deal
I rang my friend and asked if Le Mans is the one where you drive in a circle for hours and hours. "Honey, that's all of them." Anyway, I was thinking of that one that starts with N, apparently. - Shinobido features more consequential player choice than Tenchu
It has been some years since I last ninja'd it up. It's probably time to correct this. - Final Fantasy Versus XIII a no show for TGS 2011
There is no capital D large enough to express my saddie. - Disgaea 3 coming to Vita, four new NIS games teased
I was just playing the first Badman game last night (poorly) and thinking it was tiem for some more NIS goodness. - Sega adds Durga to Anarchy Reigns roster
The most recent reveals have been way more interesting than the few they kicked off with. Ice Queen, anyone? Thought not. - Sony warehouse fire likely to impact product distribution
London chums, be safe, okay? That's all. - Tuesday Shorts – trailer highs and lows, new SingStar, bizarre AR buggy
It's raining headlines. Well, okay - lines, anyway.