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AU News Wrap, August 5 - What Happened Today

Here we stand once more my friends, poised for the weekend. Who knows what delights await us on the other side of five o'clock, but here's those which occurred before it.

The Australian gaming blogosphere got quite excited today when someone noticed an R18+ label on Quake 4 on Steam - you remember how we're going to have that soon. It's all a bit of a kerfuffle though, as it's accompanied by an error code and the Classification Board knows nothing about it. Looks like a clerical stuff up on Steam's side. Ringing people up about that took up a lot of my day.

Catch up on the last 24 hours with Johnny's European wrap and Steph's US wrap, and keep an eye out for the Bulletcast for Pat's words of wisdom.

Rightio, I'm offski. I've been staying with my family for a week, but tomorrow my partner and I will start a road trip back to Sydney - about 1,400 km across some of the most boring landscape in the country. I've got my iPod primed - I'm not listening to the Pet Shop Boys for 14 hours. I'm not, sweetie.

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