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Assassin's Creed: Unity guide - Sequence 9 Memory 3: The Escape - Follow the Montgolfiere

Cut the ropes, then follow Elise without touching the ground to escape the Extremists.


Assassin's Creed: Unity guide - Sequence 9 Memory 3: The Escape - Follow the Montgolfiere

The free run challenge in this mission is similar to that in the first memory of this sequence, but I found it much harder. Keeping up with the balloon wasn't tricky; staying off the streets was. Use the same tactic of looking well ahead and following obvious parkour lines rather than trying to stick with the balloon; you'll have better luck all round. Another good tip is to pause when you reach ledges if you can't see a place to land on the other side, and to use free-run-up so Arno doesn't just drop down to the ground.

  • Keep up with Montgolfiere
  • Don't touch the ground

Cut the Ropes
This memory begins with a battle. There are three ropes holding the balloon down, and you should go after one every time there's a break in the combat. the enemy waves aren't ted to the rope cutting, so there's no point taking your time and trying to loot the corpses - just leg it to the next rope.

Follow the Montgolfiere
Do not ever stop to try and kill guards; Elise has you covered. Just sprint after that balloon. Or better yet - don't sprint after the balloon; sprint in its general direction, while watching ahead for free-run paths and taking the best and most obvious ones. As long as the balloon is on-screen for about two thirds of the time, you'll be fine, so don't try to stick to its path exactly and miss opportunities like rope bridges and room pass throughs. Remember that the interact button can be used to slide over waist-high obstacles rather than mantling. Your objective will update when you reach the church.

Cut the Rope
There's a lot of rope cutting in this mission. Climb up to the rope, and cut it - but be prepared for another chase sequence.

Follow the Montgolfiere
Thankfully, this bit of chase is much easier than the last. Start by using the nearby lift, chase Elise, and finally reach the objective marker to enjoy a few cutscenes.

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