Antoniades: Enslaved 2 would be possible, despite Devil May Cry
Ninja Theory boss Tameem Antoniades has told Eurogamer that Enslaved 2 could still be developed by the studio, should the opportunity arise.
It was recently announced that Ninja Theory is the team behind the new Devil May Cry reboot, however, according to the studio boss, this would not stop it embarking on a sequel to its impressive action adventure.
"We've been growing into two teams for the last year," he told Eurogamer in an interview today. "We've got capacity to do two games."
Antoniades stopped short of announcing a sequel, however it seems he'd "like to see something happen".
"The thinking from the beginning was not to assume there would be a sequel, just to put everything into this game. It's a new IP so let's not plan for a sequel because the chances are we'll only disappoint ourselves.
"So we mentally prepared for that - we've not planned for a sequel. But if it gains some traction, I'd like to see something happen."
Enslaved is released in the UK this Friday on Xbox 360 and PS3.