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Anthem: Bioware is "moving away" from the Acts structure to updates

Bioware is changing how content updates will work in Anthem.

According to a post from Bioware, the studio is moving away from the Acts structure for Anthem updates.

Chad Roberts, head of live services, said instead to expect additional seasonal updates planned for this year.

"These events will deliver challenges and chases similar to what you’ve seen, and are built around some fun themes we’re bringing to the game," he said.

There are long-term changes being brought to Anthem according to the post, but Bioware isn't ready to discuss those at present. This comment reiterates one made by Casey Hudson last week, when he said the team was working to address core issues with the game.

Cataclysm was the latest content update for the game and with it "nearing the end," hopefully Bioware will share what's in store for players soon.


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