Anonymous denies lifting credit card details from PSN
Anonymous has said that it isn't responsible for stealing credit card information in the wake of PSN going down two weeks ago.
In a released statement (via VentureBeat), the hacker group said it was not involved in the potential hacking of CC details from PSN.
Sony told US congress yesterday that it had found an Anonymous file on PSN before taking the network down, saying the group's trademark slogan "We are legion."
"If a legitimate and honest investigation into credit card theft is conducted, Anonymous will not be found liable," it said.
"While we are a distributed and decentralized group. Our ‘leadership’ does not condone credit card theft. We are concerned with the erosion of privacy and fair use, the spread of corporate feudalism, the abuse of power and the justifications of executives and leaders who believe themselves immune personally and financially for the actions the undertake in the name of corporations and public office."
PSN has now been down for two weeks. Sony said at a Tokyo press conference on Sunday that it would partially restore the service this week, but has so far not done so.