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Andor season 2 will feature a familiar but not particularly friendly face from Star Wars: Rogue One

Though they likely won't be in it all that much.

Cassian Andor walking in a still from Andor. A vehicle of some sort can be seen behind him, as well as a brick building.
Image credit: Disney/ LucasFilm

There's still not too many details out there for Andor season 2, but it appears that Ben Mendelsohn will be reprising his villainous role from Star Wars: Rogue One.

Right now, we're all waiting to hear more about Andor season 2, but there just isn't that much info out there just yet. It does seem unlikely that it will be out in 2024, but if that's what it takes to get a second season, so be it. However, the show's star Diego Luna appeared at ACE Superhero Comic Con this weekend, where he shed a bit of light on the upcoming season. "“I can tell you, Rogue One is coming, so there will be characters there that you will recognize," Luna said. "There will be cool stuff. For those who love Rogue One, this season is going to be very special."

While he didn't specify who it will be that Rogue One fans will recognise, The Playlist reports that it will be none other than Ben Mendelsohn, who will reprise his role as that film's antagonist, Orson Krennic. It's believed that he'll be appearing sometime towards the end of season 2, as The Playlist notes that series creator Tony Gilroy told the outlet that the second season would lead into the events of the original film. "Our final scene of the show is no secret," he said. "It’s going to be [Cassian] walking across the tarmac to get in the ship to go to the Rings of Kafrene to go meet Daniel Mays, he's going there."

For those that particularly liked Mendelsohn's performance, or just like to point at a screen when they recognise a character "That's Chappie" style, this is obviously exciting news.

While there aren't a huge amount of plot details, Gilroy has also previously said that season 2 will cover around four years of Cassian's life, skipping different chunks of time across the series. For now, we'll just have to wait to hear more, so keep your eyes peeled - D23 is only a couple of months away, and that's normally filled with plenty of announcements, maybe you'll get lucky!

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