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Awesome Games Done Quick 2021 will be held online, citing on-going Covid-19 concerns

Awesome Games Done Quick, the charity speedrunning event known more commonly as AGDQ, will once again be held online in 2021.

The charity event was moved online this year after complications due to the spread of Covid-19 spurred the organisers to move away from a physical event to safeguard the health of its volunteers.

Next year’s charity event will also be broadcasted from a studio next year, with participants performing speedruns from home.

The event will take place on the same dates – January 3 through January 10 – and submissions for AGDQ 2021 open on September 24.

The most recent Games Done Quick, dubbed Summer Games Done Quick 2020, raised an impressive $2.3 million for Doctors Without Borders.

The event proved that the online setup (largely!) works just as well as a physical event, and the community spirit is as vibrant and inclusive as ever – even remotely over Twitch.

Over $25.7 million has so far been raised for various charities across the initiative’s 25 marathons.

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