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"Accept you're a thief" if you're still playing pirated Demigod, says Wardell


Stardock boss Brad Wardell has told those still playing pirated copies of Demigod to accept they're thieves.

The game debuted at number three in the US PC charts, but Wardell said that doesn't make playing hooky versions of the game acceptable.

"Demigod is heavily pirated," said the exec on his blog. "And make no mistake, piracy p**ses me off.

"If you’re playing a pirated copy right now, if you’re one of those people on Hamachi or GameRanger playing a pirated copy and have been for more than a few days, then you should either buy it or accept that you’re a thief and quit rationalizing it any other way."

Demigod was pirated over 100,000 times in its opening weekend.

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