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5th Cell announces Hybrid for Xbox Live Arcade - first trailer inside


5th Cell's announced its new title, a third-person shooter known as Hybrid.

The game, the first on consoles from the Scribblernauts developer, sees two factions at war against one another: Paladin and Variant.

Some journal entries on the title's official website sheds some light into its story,

"Always weird to see actual humans," reads the entry on the Paladin side.

"They look at you, glassy eyed like they don't know what you're going to do to 'em. We just passed them by. Our Captain is pretty sure we've recruited all the able-bodied survivors in this city. Now it's just a matter of kicking the Variants out."

On the Variants side:

"They had a chance to stop this conflict, spare the innocent lives they so haughtily claim to protect."

The first trailer for Hybrid aired on GTTV last night in the US. Get it below.

It releases next year for Xbox Live Arcade.

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