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30th anniversary Gundam game announced for PS3


Given the choice between an 18-meter-tall, solid steel, mist-emitting statue carved in your image and a PS3 game, which would you rather receive as an anniversary gift? Well, if you’re the Gundam franchise, you’re getting both, which is really the only correct answer when faced with such a question.

Kotaku reports that the PS3 game in question will be titled Mobile Suit Gundam: Battlefield Record U.C.0081, and that it’ll allow up to eight players to both rock and sock each other with cold, metallic fists via PSN – but probably only after 25 minutes or so of expository dialogue.

The game currently has no release date, but is apparently 60 percent complete. We’re conservatively estimating that it’ll sell roughly a bajillion copies during its first week in Japan.

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