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2K Marin says console wars "silly," waste creativity


Console wars. What are they good for?

Absolutely nothing, said BioShock 2 creative director Jordan Thomas.

"There’s a cognitive effect known as 'confirmation bias' which leads people to latch onto conclusions that support their preferences and ignore data which doesn’t," he told Destructoid. "This leads to wild, unreasoning loyalty to a chosen platform, sports team, or brand of soda."

"From a development perspective, the console wars are a bit silly; our target is consistency, and it’s always kind of sad to see people throwing their energy into 'platform partisanship', because it seems to flood the critical channels and drown out other creative discourse," he explained

He's right, you know. Plus, when ancient console rivalries finally end, new opportunities blossom. Just take a look at Mario and Sonic. Isn't this a better world we now live in?

Ok. Maybe that's a bad example.

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