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Fallout 76 is getting pets

With Fallout 76's biggest update now finished, Bethesda looks to the future.

Fallout 76 recently received its biggest update yet: Wastelanders. The update essentially brought Fallout back to 76, adding NPCs with their own story lines, bringing factions, and making companions possible.

But one type of companion Fallout 76 players miss from the old games is a pet. In a Reddit AMA, Bethesda developers Jeff Gardiner and Ferret Baudoin answered this question and several more.

Project lead Jeff Gardiner confirmed that the team is looking to add pets, now that there's a companion feature in place. "Now that we have our companions system in the game, we are looking to add pets as well," said Gardiner.

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Now that we know more companions are on the way, one other question that came up was whether Bethesda will make it possible for more than just one NPC to defend a player's camp. Gardiner is not so sure.

"While we would love to do this there are numerous issues that would need to be addressed. Doubling the amount of NPCs in the world comes at a heavy cost!" he explained.

With that in mind, Bethesda is working on a way for players to change the appearance of their companions by allowing them to wear costumes they previously found.

There's more in the AMA about Fallout 76's future, including hints that The Brotherhood of Steel may be on its way.

If you've been enjoying the new Fallout 76 yourself, hit up our guide for the best way to farm Gold Bullion and Treasury Notes, and this one for how to romance your allies.

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