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Here's 18 minutes of Ghost Recon Breakpoint in action, and what we've learned from it

Sometimes the best way to learn more about a game is to just watch someone play it.

This lengthy demo of Ghost Recon Breakpoint doesn't come through PR, or from a developer playing the game themselves - it's from our pal Arekkz, who went hands-on with the game at E3.

We know from Ubisoft's E3 presentation that Ghost Recon: Breakpoint releases on September 5.

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Arekkz actually played for two hours, but this video represents a cut-together version that shows off a taste of how the game plays.

The opening shows an operative moving down a mountain. It's a bit awkward, but it also gives a good sense of how the game handles verticality - and the way he's able to cut through a wire fence at the bottom to climb through is a nice touch.

Arekkz proceeds to steal a helicopter and go for a fly, getting a sense of the map's scale - it looks like fields of red daisies, or a similar flower, are everywhere in this map.

The first combat encounter in the footage sees Arekkz and his squad squaring off against a drone tank, as bombs rain down upon them. It's fairly intense. The tank has a big '90' on its UI, which, one would suppose, means that it's very hard to take down - indeed, the team seems barely able to scratch it.

Defeating the tank results in a lot of tiered loot dropping, a change which, judging by the comments beneath the video, maybe Ghost Recon fans are not happy about. Finding loot seems to be a pretty big part of the game, in fact - it has perhaps taken inspiration from The Division. It still feels quite different, though - at one point Arekkz activates night vision and heat vision, ala Sam Fisher, while storming a compound.

In any case, this footage is worth a look if you're keen to see how Breakpoint is shaping up.

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