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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order box art is exactly as Star Wars as you'd hope

Respawn has revealed the box art for its upcoming Star Wars game, Fallen Order. And very Star Wars it is too.

In traditional series fashion, a huge chunk of the game’s heroes and antagonists have made it onto the cover at various scales - from ATs in both famous varieties, to swooping TIE fighters, down to protagonist Cal Kestis in the centre.

Kestis is a Jedi apprentice, and in Fallen Order we’ll follow him through a Star Wars universe transformed by Order 66, the mandated execution of all Jedi.

So far the game appears to be a blend of the gunplay and wall-running Respawn is loved for, plus plenty of saber-swinging. The studio will grant its first look at Fallen Order gameplay this Saturday, June 8th, during an EA Play stream at 9:30 am UK time.

We’ve also got a comprehensive rundown of all of the E3 conference times in the coming week.

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