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Joker from Persona 5 is coming to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

If you’re a fan of JRPGs, you’ve probably played Persona 5 - one of the best games in the genre of the past couple of years.

Persona 5’s Joker is coming to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate in the first DLC for the game. He’ll arrive with his own stage, as well as some of the amazing Persona 5 music backing the action up.

To top it off, you’ll even be able to summon personas to help you in battle. It should add a cool crinkle to fights once the DLC launches.

We don’t have a date on it yet, but there are other DLCs planned to follow. Like this one, all DLC for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate aims to bring a completely fresh character to the roster - one we haven’t seen in the series previously.


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