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Red Dead Redemption 2: Should you kill or spare O'Driscoll?

What to do with RDR2's first big choice in Chapter 1.

Arthur Morgan is presented with the choice to spare or kill O'Driscoll in Red Dead Redemption 2.
Image credit: VG247/Rockstar Games

It's time to don a big iron and raise the curtain on Rockstar’s latest wild west adventure: Red Dead Redemption 2, and there are big moral choices right from the off.

The story begins in the middle of a blizzard, with our new protagonist Arthur Morgan and gang leader, Dutch, searching a homestead for supplies. When Morgan's jumped by one of the O'Driscoll boys in the barn, you're presented with the first big choice in the game - whether to kill or spare O'Driscoll in Chapter 1.

Should you kill or spare O'Driscoll in RDR2?

The first main choice in a game is always met with the most trepidation since you're never quite sure of the moral rules of the world you're stepping into. Luckily though, you're not punished too harshly for your choices, especially this first one in RDR2.

Arthur Morgan is presented with the choice to spare or kill O'Driscoll in Red Dead Redemption 2.
Image credit: VG247/Rockstar Games

For our review, we played the whole of Red Dead Redemption 2, and there don't seem to be any repercussions either way for sparing or killing O'Driscoll in Chapter 1. This means you're free to make the choice that you think fits most closely with Arthur Morgan's character - whether that's choking the man out in cold blood or letting him freeze in the hinterland.

Over the rest of Red Dead Redemption 2 however, your actions - big and small - will carry more weight. The Honor System returns to Red Dead Redemption 2, which gives you certain bonuses based on how people perceive you in the world.

Many story missions affect your Honor Rank, giving you the chance to do the right thing and help people for a boost, or give them the boot if you're feeling surly. Honorable Arthurs get things like discounts from shopkeepers, while dishonourable rogues tend to find more booze and cigs.

To sum up though; don't worry too much about whether to kill or spare O'Driscoll in the barn in Chapter 1, but pay mind to the choices you make in the game in future.

If you're new to Red Dead Redemption 2, then check out our guides on how to upgrade your bows and arrows, how to level up and use Dead Eye, and where to find the best horse. We've also got pages on the best weapons in Red Dead Redemption 2, how to get rich quick, and where to hunt legendary animals.

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