Editor's note: using Adblock? Nobody rides for free
We're having a few issues with readers using Adblock.
Advertising pays for the site and enables us to offer our content to readers for free. We believe our work has value. Without advertising we can't continue to produce the site.
We do our best with our ad partners at Gamer Network to create and deliver the best ads we can. That's why we never have obnoxious full-screen pop-up ads, or screaming audio that you'll struggle to turn off.
We avoid that sort of thing because we've always understood it's counterproductive. You might get an ad in front of a reader, but it's an awful experience that just builds resentment. It sends readers off to use things like Adblock.
So yes, we have ads. They pay for the production of VG247. We do our best to ensure they're not intrusive.
For the next week or so we're going to detect some desktop readers using Adblock and politely ask you to turn it off while visiting VG247.
If you turn it off we'll be very grateful. If you don't we won't stop you from viewing the site. But we will give you a little disappointed frown and take note of the amount of users refusing to change.
This is just step one in our Adblock tests. We'll look at rolling updates out in the future that develop our response to Adblock further.
Let's all play fair now. Thanks for reading the site.