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The Amnesia: Collection launch trailer really undersells how pants-s***tingly terrifying these games are, which is probably sensible

If Amnesia: Collection turns up in the mail I will move house rather than play it.

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Amnesia: Collection gathers together Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs and the lesser-known Portal tie-in title, Justine, and wraps them up for PS4.

These three games range from profoundly, thoughtfully creepy right through, just like, screaming terror, and that's not something the launch trailer above captures very well, in my opinion. I mean, that's probably a good thing, because who would even buy a game where the trailer alone is a nightmare?

Well I would, obviously, and frequently do, and so would a bunch of you as well, I expect. What's wrong with us?

I don't know if you remember but a few years ago, for some reason, everyone thought it would be wildly hilarious to have me, an innocent Australian who is deeply frightened by everything and will literally cry in scary movies, to do horror game let's plays. You can watch parts one, two and three of my Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs playthrough, if you like.

Where is the rest of the game? I s**t you not: my blood pressure rose so alarmingly during this period that my doctor put her foot down. I'll probably eventually buy Amnesia: Collection, but only so I can lock it in the freezer so I feel safe from it.

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