Star Citizen and Squadron 42 to break up on Valentine's Day
Star Citizen has one foot out the door and Squadron 42 keeps making passive aggressive comments. Probably.
Star Citizen story module Squadron 42 is ready to strike out and forge a new life for itself.
As announced in December, the campaign mode is going solo, and will be available either as a standalone product or add-on to the base sandbox game. This division will occur on February 14, which is pzuzlingly anti-thematic; Valentine's Day is the day we try very hard not to break up.
Well, whatever: if you're keen on the star-studded story but can't be arsed with the open-ended sim MMO, you'll be able to pick up one without the other - and vice versa, of course.
If you do want both modules, you might want to consider picking them up as a package by pledging the appropriate amount to the crowdfunding campaign before the big day; it'll save you a few dollars, apparently.
Visit Roberts Space Industries for more information. Neither module has been dated for full release, although they're expected this year.