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The Division prequel live-action short tells the story of four operatives

Ubisoft is keen on highlighting the universe The Division exists in with these live-action shorts.


As a way of telling the story of what happened when the epidemic broke out in the world of The Division, Ubisoft has partnered up with three prominent YouTube channels to create a live-action short that tell the stories of four Division agents.

If you're familiar with the world of effects-heavy shorts on YouTube, you'll definitely recognize RocketJump, CorridorDigital,, and Devin Supertramp.

The short is called Division Origins and it's available as a 31-minute supercut on Amazon Prime Video, or as four separate videos on YouTube. We've embedded all of them below.

Conspiracies by RocketJump

Watch on YouTube

Ashes by CorridorDigital

Watch on YouTube

Pursuit by Devin Supertramp

Watch on YouTube

And the final part, Escape

Watch on YouTube

The Division beta starts January 28. The full game launches March 8.

Remember, if you're looking for a group to play The Division, our partners at have the perfect LFG solution.

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