Elder Scrolls Online subs stand at 772,374 according to SuperData report
In SuperData's latest digital games report, the firm takes a look at the subscription-based MMO market and unsurprisingly, World of Warcraft remains the top revenue earner despite the sector's loss of subscription-based players.
According to the firm, the pay-to-play MMO market has "been shrinking since 2010, dropping from $30.6 million monthly active subscribers worldwide to $23.4 million in 2014. The subscription MMO market has declined to $2.9 billion, with average spend at $170.
Newcomer The Elder Scrolls Online seems to be doing well, despite the market decline in both players and total revenues, as average revenue per user continues to rise, according to SuperData which cites 772,374 subscribers.
Microtransaction revenue has offset the revenue losses as "several key titles" have incorporated or switched to the microtransaction revenue model. Over the last five years, revenue for subscription-based MMOs with added in-game microtransactions went from 14% to 27%.
The average digital spend, plus the monthly sub fee, tripled from $16 to $46 worldwide.
Elsewhere in the report, particularly in the charts posted below, revenue from sub-based MMOs are noted.
Bioware's Star Wars: The Old Republic came in fourth on the top 10 subscription MMO list and reportedly earned $165 million in revenue worldwide in 2013 due to both subs and microtranaction options.
As noted at the start of the article, World of Warcraft is still the MMO king with $1 billion in yearly revenue.
NCSoft offerings made up the majority of the list with Lineage as the second top-grossing MMO with $253 million in revenue.
TERA Online came in third with $236 million, Lord of the Rings Online was fifth with $104 million, followed by EVE Online, Aion, Blade and Soul, Lineage 2, and RIFT.
You can read the report through here.