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A Thief movie is being made, for some reason

Thief is going to be a movie. Optimistically, let's all imagine a romping medieval heist film with some vague supernatural elements and not a grimdark exploration of Garrett's feelings.


The Thief film is coming via Vertigo and Prime Universe, according to Tracking Board, and will be produced by Adrian Askarieh and Roy Lee are producing.

This is the same pair of producers as the fledgling Deus Ex movie project, and Askarieh was responsible for 2007's Hitman. Vertigo is probably best known for The Lego Movie, another licensed adaptation, which made almost $500 million worldwide.

There's no word yet on whether the movie will draw on the franchise's original canon or the Square Enix reboot, which nobody liked but me, apparently. Tracking Board's report mentions the 1999 release and discusses plot details from the Eidos originals, which is a good sign for long term fans, I think.

Video game movies are generally pretty dreadful, when they happen at all, but the Resident Evil films made a truckload of money by ignoring the franchise canon, and we have high hopes for Warcraft, directed by über-fan Duncan Jones.

Thanks, David!

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