Destiny website produces loads new class info, screens and more
Destiny's website updated today and it not only looks very pretty but is packed to the gills with new information and even gameplay footage.
The site contains a summary of Destiny's universe: the solar system was changed forever by the arrival of the Traveler, a being that terraformed Mars and Venus, and allowed humans to colonise these planets in a time known as the golden age.
However, the Traveler was followed by its ancient enemy - a "powerful darkness". The Traveler saved humanity, the Exos and the Awoken but now hangd immobile above Earth. The races of the system are rushing to unlock their past secrets and reclaim their lost civilisation. Players must defend the city, defeat enemies, explore the ruins of the system, discover lost secrets - and "become legend".
Four locations were detailed - Earth, the moon, Venus and Mars. Except for the City on Earth, it sounds like every location has been devastated by the Darkness, so there will be loads of ruins to poke about.
The Guardians section details the three classes in the shared-worlds shooter - Titan, Warlock and Hunter. there are videos of all three; you can also check out some images and read the descriptions below.
- Titan
The first Titans built the Wall, and bravely gave their lives to defend it. Now, you stand in the same place, steadfast and sure. Our enemies are deadly and merciless, but so are you. You hail from a line of legendary heroes and your strength and skill will be needed to shatter their ranks. - Warlock
Warlocks have long studied the Traveler, mastering some of its arcane energies. Its true purpose still remains a great mystery, but discovering truth has always driven you into the unknown. Now, our enemies stand between you and your greatest discovery – the secrets of the Golden Age. - Hunter
Hunters once prowled the wilderness and wastelands, taking big risks for even bigger rewards. Making your own luck has always meant bending the rules. But you are no outlaw, at least, not anymore, and your unique brand of daring and ingenuity will be needed now more than ever.
Of the enemies you'll meet, four were detailed:
- Fallen - Fallen are hardy creatures who can survive in a wide range of environments without heavy armor or complex modifications to their physiology. They travel light, hit hard, and are gone before you know it. Fallen may look like mere scavengers, but on closer inspection you will see hints of a splendid, sophisticated past, and the proud markings of their ancestral “Houses.”
- Hive - Hive manipulate the physical world in ways that we can only begin to imagine. The Hive have carved a kingdom deep into the lifeless core of the Moon, and it is there they remain, silent and buried among many dark and terrible secrets, a reminder of the tremendous power that brought forth the Collapse.
- Vex - Scattered reports indicate that the Vex appear to be mass-produced machine units, constructed of an unknown metal alloy resembling hammered brass. All attempts to communicate with them have failed. They are hostile. They are unrelenting. They are deadly.
- Cabal - Few Guardians have faced Cabal and lived to tell the tale. They are a professional military operation. On every front we have found them on the march, they have already dug in and ringed their installations with razor wire. Now, it seems they’ve turned their eyes towards us.
Destiny is coming to PlayStation 3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One on September 9.

Thanks, GameInformer.