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Middle Eastern games industry "growing like crazy," due to strong mobile and social uptake

The Middle Eastern games industry is on the rise thanks to the increasing popularity of mobile and social games in the region, according to booming publisher Peak Games.

A report by the[a]listdaily suggests that the MENA region - which encompasses the Middle East and North Africa - is on the up as one of social and mobiles strongest growth regions.

The report adds that Peak Games itself is now enjoying 300,000 concurrent users and 11.8 million daily active users throughout the MENA region and Turkey. The company focuses on digital editions of popular card, board and tabletop games on Android and iOS formats. It seems to be a winning formula.

Speaking with the site, Peak Games co-founder and chief strategy officer Rina Onur said, "We consider Turkey a significant player in the MENA region. Turkey will continue its rapid growth both in terms of Internet and smartphone/tablet penetration. The MENA region has the second highest rate of smartphone shipments out of Asia, so the region is growing like crazy. Following Turkey are Gulf region countries such as Saudi Arabia and Emirates. These countries will continue to grow both on PC and mobile; that's why opportunities are almost limitless here."

Onur added, "Our most popular games are those in the Plus Franchise. They are community driven, multiplayer, synchronous titles and are part of the everyday lifestyle in Turkey. The Plus Franchise alone has more than 300,000 concurrent users and includes 6 different games: Okey, Okey Plus, 101 Plus, Tavla Plus, Batak and Pool Plus. In addition; our flagship mid-core title War of Mercenaries thrives from a dedicated community that is interested in multiplayer combat and empire building."

Are you based in the MENA region? Are you seeing evidence of a boom in tablet and mobile games? Let us know below.


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