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Precinct crowdfunding cancelled, backers won't be charged

Precinct, touted by a couple of Sierra veterans as the spiritual successor to Police Quest, has been indefinitely shelved after its crowdfunding campaign failed to draw sufficient interest.

"Each member of our team has done their very best to make Precinct a reality. We put every effort into making a crowdfunding campaign work but we have decided to end the Precinct campaign effective today," developer Jim Walls Reloaded wrote in a website update.

"We're fighters and fought our best. Unfortunately, our best wasn't good enough to overcome the challenges with crowdfunding Precinct. Our new approach attracted some terrific supporters and we are grateful. However, we simply don't have the momentum needed to meet the requirements of this project."

The surrender is particularly painful for fan who have been following the project as it's the second time it's been cancelled; first launched as a Kickstarter, the campaign returned in independent form to allow the indie team to responsibly manage its goals. There is some hope, but it's quite slim.

"Depending on the situation, we may decide to try again someday," the post noted. "The backing community are wonderfully supportive of Jim Walls making a new game. Likewise, our team remains passionate about Precinct and are hopeful there is a way to make Precinct a reality in the future."

Those who pledged to the campaign will not be charged.

Thanks, Blue's News.

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