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GRID 2 reviews race online - get all the scores here

GRID 2 reviews have gone live, and we've pulled a few scores and tossed them below to get you started. We'll add more as they come in.

The Codies racer contains all sorts of tracks, layouts, cars, drifting, pre-order Indy DLC. If it involves fast cars, the game appears to have you covered.

GRID 2 is out today in North America on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 and releases in the UK on May 31.

Scores are below followed by new screenshots.

CVG - 7
God is a Geek - 9
Videogamer - 8
Eurogamer - 7
Gamereactor Sweden - 7
NZgamer (PC) - 8.5
Spong - 8
Strategy Informer 8.5
Digital Spy – 4/5 – 90/100
Edge – 9
OPM - 8 - 8.4
EGM - 7

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