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SCEE - LBP would have been number one outside the Holiday season

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SCEE's answered criticism of LittleBigPlanet's apparently lacklustre performance at retail by saying the game has sold "really well" and would have charted higher if it wasn't for such a crowded time of year.

The game debuted at number four in the UK chart than droppped out of the top ten in its second week.

"Our industry is littered with examples of brand new innovative titles that have been lauded by the critics but have sold dismally," said SCEE PR boss David Wilson. "But Sony is delighted and honoured to be working with hugely talented developers who can create brilliantly creative original games.

"LittleBigPlanet has broken this stereotype by not only being brilliant and original but also by selling really well on a global basis. LittleBigPlanet is breaking many preconceptions. There are some games that are hardcore experiences that the kudos lies in getting it first."

Wilson added: "We're really pleased with the initial reaction to LittleBigPlanet - it has been our highest scoring game ever I believe with a Metacritic score of 95 and a huge list of 10/10s or 100 per cent scores.

"We are also pleased with its commercial performance. In other times of the year it would be a clear number one - so you have to put the chart in context. This is an incredibly volatile time of year and the chart reflects that - November 7 saw 47 titles released on that one day alone including many big hitters with Christmas number one aspirations. Look at the chart this week - the top four are all brand new entries.

"LittleBigPlanet has also sold well given that this is a brand new IP," he said in reference to the game's first week of sales which saw it coming in below three sequel titles, Microsoft's exclusive Gears of War 2, FIFA 09 and Fallout 3.

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