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SCEE: Heavy Rain is "a gamble"


SCEE has said releasing Heavy Rain is a very big "gamble" - but one the company has given its full support.

"Being Sony, I suppose we have a little more luxury to take a gamble on more original and innovative IP - and Heavy Rain definitely fits that category," said product manager, Lucy Duncan, speaking to CVG.

She furthed added: "I suppose the risk is lessened if you have faith in the team behind the game and David [Cage] and Guillaume [de Fondaumiere] and the guys at Quantic Dreams have really impressed, not just in terms of their back catalogue - Farenheit - but also in terms of the tech demos they showed in the run up to Heavy Rain."

A couple of reviews have been starting to trickle out already, with OPM, among others, giving the game a 9/10.

The game releases on February 23 in the US and February 26 in the UK for PS3.

A demo will release next Thursday.

Some new footage of the Quantic thriller got out last week, including the first nine minutes and a new trailer.

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