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Death Stranding makes no sense to Mads Mikkelsen but he's enthusiastic about "very brilliant" Kojima

Death Stranding doesn't make sense to us yet, but it turns out even those who know what's going on are a bit confused.


Death Stranding looks weird, which is always a word I use to mean "delightful", and the two trailers we've seen so far have left us happily baffled by whatever Hideo Kojima is up to post-Metal Gear Solid.

Whatever it is, it's gonna be pretty convoluted. Mads Mikkelsen, who plays Death Stranding's antagonist, has said he can't talk about the plot yet - and doesn't understand it anyway.

"It's very intricate. I mean, you know [Kojima]. He's a very brilliant man," Mikkelsen told Birth.Movies.Death (via Kotaku).

"I mean ... the stuff he told me? I only understood some of it. There was a lot of 'What?'

"I have to see it before I understand," he added. "Because with Death Stranding, he's creating something completely new."

Commenting that Kojima is "in a way" making films with his games, Mikkelsen said he'd not played any Kojima games but recognised them when others showed them to him - and that his son was very impressed when he found out about his work on Death Stranding.

"But I also saw the trailer he had done with Norman Reedus, and I thought that was spectacular just from the standpoint of an actor," he said, referring to Death Stranding's debut trailer.

"The emotion, the feeling of it, the sensuality in what he does. Without even being a gamer, I was like, this is crazy, what he's doing. I loved it."

Later in the interview Mads Dear talks about wanting to do zombie media, or even live in a zombie apocalypse, because "you can just f**king chop the s**t out of them". Why hasn't this man done more work with video games?

Anyway, I assume you've all seen Death Stranding's The Game Awards trailer already. We know very little about the game yet except that it's some sort of third-person action affair (Kojima's hinted at this twice now) with online elements, and is coming to PS4 thanks to Kojima Productions signing with Sony after Kojima went indie.

As for the plot, well. Some of what Kojima has said suggests it'll be a game about forming connections rather than killing, which is interesting; you saw all those cables and stuff in both trailers, right? Shabana collated some interesting speculation about the sci-fi elements of Death Stranding based on tiny clues hidden in promotional materials, which are well worth perusing.

We hope to see Death Stranding release in 2018, but it's totally up in the air at this point.

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