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Nordic Games is now THQ Nordic

Nordic Games has re-branded to THQ Nordic.


Nordic Games, the Swedish publisher who bought many of the IPs previously owned by defunct publisher THQ back in 2013, has changed its name to be THQ Nordic.

"While we take great pride in our Swedish roots and accomplished a great deal under the Nordic Games masthead, we decided it was time to incorporate the THQ name," the publisher said in a press release.

Nordic added that this is part of a new approach to do more than simply own IPs. "We cherish [these IPs], and align them with the very best development resources to expand upon them with the level of experience that communities and established fan bases expect and deserve," noted the publisher.

There are currently 23 games in development at Nordic THQ, according to the press release. 13 of which are yet to be announced, with Nordic promising to reveal them in the coming months. The majority of these projects are based on THQ IPs and franchises.

Since buying THQ IPs, the company released a remastered version of Darksiders 2 last year. A remaster of the original Darksiders is due for release later this year.

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