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Prey coming 2017 from Dishonored dev's Austin studio

Prey 2 is dead. Long live Prey.

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Prey coming 2017 from Dishonored dev's Austin studio

Confirming a long-running series of rumours, Bethesda has announced Prey from Dishonored developer Arkane Studios.

Developed by the Austin team under Raphael Colantonio while Harvey Smith led Dishonored 2 in Lyon, Prey seems to be a reboot of the Human Head IP after Prey 2 was axed.

The game is set in 2032, and you'll play as a man who represents "a key experiment meant to alter humanity forever". Aliens invade the space station you're on, and you must survive using all the tools available to you. It's coming to PS4, PC and Xbox One, and more will be unveiled at Quake Con.

Colantonio described it as an immersive first-person sim with a psychological twist. It's coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One in 2017. Check out a couple of images below:






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