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Nintendo NX won't sell at a loss, and will have a "solid lineup of software" at launch

Nintendo president, Tatsumi Kimishima, addressed questions about the NX in the investor briefing Q&A.


Nintendo NX won't sell at a loss, and will have a "solid lineup of software" at launch

Following the news that the NX will launch in March 2017, Nintendo president, Tatsumi Kimishima, talks more about the console's launch window in an investor briefing Q&A.

When asked whether the new hardware would be sold at a loss, like the Wii U, he answered, "we are not thinking of launching the hardware at a loss. When Wii U was launched, the yen was very strong. I am assuming that situation will not repeat itself. Selling at a loss at launch would not support the business, so we are keeping that mind in developing NX."

Both the PS3 and PS4 were sold at a loss at launch for Sony, and while we know that the Xbox 360 also sold at a loss, it's also quite likely that the Xbox One did as well.

So what are the ramifications of the NX bucking this trend in terms of hardware? Can we expect a heftier price tag than the Wii U, or will the power suffer? With the PS4 Neo and upgraded Xbox One looming on the horizon, the pressure is on to strike a balance between price and power. Not to mention, the original models of the PS4 and Xbox One will be sure to have a price cut in the wake of the newer models.

Perhaps it comes down to the launch lineup, and Kimishima assures us that they've got it covered.

"You are correct about needing a solid lineup of software," he said when questioned, "One of the reasons for choosing the launch timing that we did is so that the software lineup will be ready in time for the hardware launch. Not only at launch, but we also need to be able to continuously release titles after launch. We are planning for this to be a platform that consumers can enjoy for a long time."

Do you think the NX launch will avoid the mistakes of the Wii U? Can it compete with the more powerful PS4 and Xbox One consoles? Weigh in below.

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