Uncharted 4 beta gameplay is here: hot, fast and brutal
Watch gunplay, finishing moves, all the weapon unlocks and customisation options in the multiplayer beta.
Uncharted 4's multiplayer beta is about to go live on PS4 and we have gameplay footage of the two maps; Madagascar City and Island.
Our man Westie went to Sony HQ to play the game and capture this footage in 900p, 60 frames per second.
There's a lot of fast movement, punchy gunplay, brutal finishing moves, and it all looks rather delicious. Check out the boot up someone's ass at around the 2:40 mark and some slick vine-swinging as well.
Overall impressions are good then for the multiplayer portion of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. Westie reckons there's a little issue with the same button being used for cover and combat rolls, so look out for that if you're playing this weekend.
Update: And here's all the customisation options, taunts, weapon unlocks and more, from the man that is Arekzz Gaming.
You can also watch a lot of team deathmatch gameplay right here:
Uncharted 4's beta is live now for all of those who bought and installed the Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection on PS4.