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Base building is coming to Planetside 2

Planetside 2 fans can soon enjoy a much-requested feature.


In a recent Planetside 2 live stream, Daybreak Game Company revealed its plans to implement base building features into the shooter MMO - something many fans have requested.

Players will need to collect resources in order to construct bases. As you'd expect, you'll be able to destroy as well as build bases. Players can defend their constructions with AI-controlled turrets.

These turrets won't target random aircraft flying nearby, by the way; until the base is actually attacked by a rival faction, they'll have a very short detection range. Once things kick off they'll become much more deadly, so aircraft won't be an easy end to sieges.

No solid timeline was provided but these new features are expected in the PC version sometime in 2016. The full livestream, embedded below, goes into much greater detail and also discusses a major map revamp, the continent capture system and changes to the leadership system.

Watch live video from Planetside2 on

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