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Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps is set after RE6, and won't feature a campaign

Masachika Kawata and James Vance have revealed some details about Capcom's upcoming competitive shooter in an interview.


According to their interview with GameSpot, the game will fit right into the established Resident Evil canon, and will follow the events of RE6.

"It's almost in an ironic way that we're using the title Umbrella Corps", says Kawata. "If you know your Resident Evil lore, Umbrella no longer exists at this time in the universe; it's been destroyed."

Vance clarifies that players would control mercenaries that "go into these areas where some kind of biological terror incident may have occurred to try to extract something with value." You're doing this on behalf of corporations that, essentially, want to become the next Umbrella.

Where asked if the game would feature a campaign, Vance replies simply "there's no forward-facing story". The rest of the interview is worth a look if you're a Resident Evil fan.

Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps was announced a week ago. It's coming to the PC and PlayStation 4 in early 2016.

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