You too can wear Snake's bionic arm from MGS5: The Phantom Pain
Want to buy a replica of Snake's bionic arm as seen in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain?
Starside Armory over on Etsy is selling replica bionic arms as worn by Snake in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain.
The arms are made to order and look to be good quality. With prices from £35 and up, they're probably cheaper than the majority of official merchandise, too.
If you're into your Metal Gear cosplay, it looks like to be a good bet. The rest of the costume is pretty easy after that, right? An eyepatch, some army fatigues and a stubble can't be that hard to come by.
You can get a closer look at the bionic and arm and check out the materials it's made from right here.