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SWTOR: Knights of the Fallen Empire details leak ahead of E3 2015 - rumour

Star Wars: The Old Republic's new expansion will be detailed during E3 2015, but some information appears to have crept out ahead of time.

Knights of the Fallen Empire was mentioned in a Friday press release detailing EA's E3 2015 conference.

This is what the publisher had to say at the time:

"The largest story-driven expansion to date, Knights of the Fallen Empire, marks a renewed focus on cinematic storytelling in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The expansion will deliver on the hallmarks of what makes a great BioWare™ game: new worlds to explore, new companions to recruit, and a dynamic story that players will be able to shape based on the choices they make."

Within hours, the Internet turned up more information. Everything from this point on is unverified and should be considered rumour.

First of all, a screengrab of what looks quite a lot like an official website leak was posted on Imgur. It could be a fake, I guess, but it's not heavy on detail so it seems pretty legit.

An info dump was posted on the SWTOR Reddit, although it was not sourced. There's a lot to like in it, but there's absolutely no reason to believe it's real, unfortunately.

Finally, a couple of images purportedly from a new cinematic trailer have also surfaced - one of them hosted on the official SWTOR page itself, with the filename "Sacrifice". Check them out below.



It might all be utter rot apart from the images, of course. Tune in to EA's E3 2015 conference for all the concrete details.

Thanks, /r/games.

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