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Everything you need to know about Destiny: House of Wolves

Destiny: House of Wolves will launch tomorrow. Here's everything you need to know about Bungie's latest expansion.


House of Wolves is the second expansion for House of Wolves, but it offers a great deal more than the extra missions, equipment and level cap increase we received with The Dark Below.

Rounding out Year One of Destiny when it releases tomorrow, House of Wolves will cement Destiny's endgame, providing perpetual content and real challenge for casual and hardcore players alike, while patching holes in the game's systems.

Let's take a look at what's on offer:

New story missions and Strike

House of Wolves has players travelling to the Reef in response to a call from the Queen of the Awoken. The Fallen House of Wolves has rebelled against her rules and gone rogue, and players will accept bounties to track down these pirates.

Prison of Elders

The Prison of Elders is a new PvE endgame in which teams of three face off against three waves of each Darkness race, as well as a final boss. It features a randomly-generated, matchmade level 28 mode, as well as weekly set challenge modes at level 32, 34 and even 35. Successful completion nets you rare loot.

Trials of Osiris

A new end-game for the best of the best from the PvP community, Trails of Osiris offers exclusive new loot and a heart-thumping challenge.

Changes to the Crucible

House of Wolves reinvigorates the Crucible, Destiny's PvP mode, with new maps, a new mode and better rewards.

New weapons and armour

As you'd expect, House of Wolves adds a boatload of new loot to collect and marvel over - as well as unleash on your enemies.

New vendor abilities and gear upgrades

House of Wolves won't make your best gear or your favourite Tower characters redundant.

System changes

House of Wolves makes some changes to how you upgrade gear, how you earn rewards, and the best use of your time.

Want more information?

You can watch Bungie's own reveal livestreams for a full recap.

All set, then? Let's belt in for launch. Don't forget to check in with put Week of Destiny feature series, looking back over Destiny's history to date in the build up to the launch of House of Wolves.

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