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Planetside 2 group aims to break largest FPS battle record

Planetside 2 players aim to take back the Guinness World Record for the greatest number of concurrent players on one shooter server.


Planetside once held the Guinness World Record for "Most Players Online in an FPS Battle", but lost it in 2012 to Man vs Machine, a browser-based shooter designed specifically to net the record.

The record of 999 players online could feasibly be beaten in Planetside 2, and the Planetside Battles subreddit is determined to do just that.

The group hopes to attract 1,100 players to a three way factional match on Hossin, putting aside server rivalries.

The battle will be held at 10:00PM UTC on January 24 and will involve all three factions, so all Planetside 2 players are invited to attend. Heck, it's free-to-play, so maybe you should get on board just to be a part of a potential world record.

If you're keen to participate, you need to register your intent. Server representatives will be organising troops, so visit Reddit to learn how to get in touch with yours.

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