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Nintendo pledges to leverage its strengths after poor financial report - statement

Nintendo has responded to its latest financial report, which fell below expectations. The firm has now pledged to play to its strengths as a gaming firm, and has re-iterated plans to commit to its Quality of Life program.


We have a full report on Nintendo's FY 13/14 financials, which includes a profitable projection from the firm, as it hopes to claw back revenue with the launch of Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros. and other properties.

The firm's statement reads, "In the belief that the true value of entertainment lies in individuality, Nintendo continues to provide unique products and services by positioning as its core management strategy the dedicated video game platform business of hardware and software integration, in which Nintendo can best leverage its strengths.

"In addition, by introducing Nintendo Network IDs and taking advantage of smart devices, for example, Nintendo strives to strengthen its efforts to build a long-term relationship with its consumers and expand the market of its own platforms."

"Moreover," it continued, "by redefining entertainment as something that improves people’s QOL (Quality of Life) in enjoyable ways, Nintendo aims to deploy a new platform business that improves people’s QOL in enjoyable ways in a new field that is different from that of dedicated video game systems. The first theme will be health, and Nintendo plans to capitalize on being an entertainment company in devising a unique approach of its own.

"In addition, Nintendo strives to utilize its abundance of character IP more actively, providing its IP with more exposure in places other than video games, while achieving a certain level of profit from its licensing business at the same time.

"With its mission to pleasantly surprise consumers and put smiles on the faces of everyone it touches, Nintendo will continue to offer new and unique propositions and contribute to the development of the home entertainment industry."

We'll have more on Nintendo's financials as it drops. Stay tuned.

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