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Star Wars: The Old Republic Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion now free to subscribers, $20 normally

Released back in April as a $10 add on, the The Old Republic's Hutt expansion pack which includes an increased level cap and most of the MMO's end game content is now free to subscribers as part of the game's 2.4 update. However, if you're not subscribed to Bioware's free to play MMO, the expansion will now cost you $20. Go figure.

Current subscribers who already purchased ROTHC at its initial price will be receiving various items in the mail, so look forward to that if you're one of those knights of the old republic. The offer comes in preparation for the game's 2.4 "Dread War" patch which primarily focuses on level 55 content and thus it'd be really helpful for Bioware if they could just assume everyone had access to that content. The Dread War is set to launch at the start of October.

Also of note is that Bioware has finally announced streaming download for The Old Republic, meaning you can stream in the 20+ GB of voice acting while you play instead of downloading it as a lump sum.

Thanks, Polygon.

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