Black Ops 2: Xbox 360 update live now, fixes listed
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 has received a new title update on Xbox 360 today. The patch addresses a few common score streak issues and a bug found in theatre mode. Check out fixes below.
Treyarch has now released the full patch notes.
- Made infrastructure and performance improvements to Live Streaming.
- Made streaming performance improvements to video playback in CODTV.
- Addressed an issue where flight range parameters for airborne vehicles could be deleted in the middle of a match due to a network interruption. This fix resolves the following symptoms reported by the community: Escort drone flying under the map; Inability to call in the Dragonfire.
- FHJ-18 weapon level is now increased by destroying Scorestreak vehicles and aircraft.
- Care Package/AGR canister exploit has been addressed.
- Patched a small map exploit in Aftermath.
- Addressed a rare situation that would cause the Emblem Editor menu to overlap other menus.
- Balance pass on spawn influencers to improve cases causing non-optimal spawning under certain conditions.
- Improved performance for emblem uploads to prevent an occasional hang. If there is an error connecting to servers during an upload, you will now be able to re-try your save.
- Emblems and Clan tags will now appear correctly on the Assault Shield when stowed on the back.
- Addressed all reported UI error code messages.
- Elite Clan Friends list no longer actively sorts players when their status is updated. The player list will refresh after closing and re-opening the tab.
- Improved a number of emblem icons in the Emblem Editor.
- Junkyard IV reward added to Calling Cards.
Original story:
We're still waiting on a comprehensive patch note list, but the update does fix the “UI error 226117" bug found in theatre mode, stops the Escort Drone from attacking players while underneath the map, removes a glitch that stopped players from deploying the Dragonfire, and remedies problems with the FHJ-18 AA ranking up.
We've asked Treyarch for a full list of patch notes, but so far we've heard nothing. We'll update if and when we can.
Thanks MP1st.