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Sony should’ve talked about Vita at E3 more, says Yoshida

Sony Worldwide Studio boss Shuhei Yoshida has admitted the firms should have shown more Vita games during its E3 2012 presentation.

Speaking with Develop, Yoshida said he received a lot of tweets from the public complaining that "there weren’t many PS Vita games being talked about."

"In retrospect, we should’ve spent more time showing and talking about our PS Vita titles," he said. "We [had] 25 PS Vita games playable on the show floor, some of which are really great titles I’m very excited about. We could have spent more time talking about those, but we had a very clear intention this year to make the total press conference shorter, because we’re notorious for holding lengthy ones.

"I hope we accomplished that with this year’s conference, but from the perspective of people who are waiting for more information on Vita titles, we weren’t able to provide that."

Yoshida said he hoped the journalists on show floor provided enough information on the games available.


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