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Ex-Bungie dev wants to put touch controls in-game, not on-screen

Bungie co-founder Alex Seropian wants to stop trying to emulate control pads with Industrial Toys' first foray into mobile shooters.

Speaking to Joystiq, Seropian said that console shooters are designed to emulate mice, rather than create something that works on control pads - and that mobile gaming is following suit by trying to work the way control pads do.

"The whole design paradigm about designing for dual sticks is all about creating a software interface for hardware that makes it feel like you have more control and have better skill curves," he said.

"That's all about getting closer to how a mouse works. There's no sense to emulate a relative control scheme, like a controller."

Seropian hopes to change this, on the mobile front, at least.

"We have been designing a control scheme that's all about putting our controls in the game space, as opposed to the screen space."

Industrial Toys' first game is a sci-fi shooter but has not been dated or detailed.

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