Asura's Wrath gets DLC trailer, more content scheduled
Capcom's released a DLC trailer for Asura's Wrath, showcasing upcoming content for the title. Also shown at the end is its previously-teased Street Fighter content.
The DLC provides players with an insight into what happens between two episodes from the full game.
A week later on April 3, Episode 15.5 will arrive with a completely new artistic style taking inspiration from the world of anime and will be available for 160 MS points and $1.99 on PSN.
On April 24, four brand new episodes which continue the story of Asura’s Wrath, revealing an extra twist, will be bundled and downloadable for 560 MS Points and $6.99 on PSN.
Arriving on May 9, the last of the Asura’s Wrath DLC contains the aforementioned Street Fighter content, in which Asura will take on Ryu.
On May 16, Asura and Akuma will go at it. Each of these DLC packs will cost 160 MS points and $1.99 on PSN.
Today's content arrives later today on the North America PSN store later, and for the UK tomorrow, along with a release through Xbox Live.