Splash Damage has multiplayer 'in its heart'
With Brink DLC still on ongoing concern, Splash Damage isn't ready to talk about its next project - but it's certain to be multiplayer.
"The one thing that we’re sure of is that multiplayer action is the thing that is in our hearts and stirs our souls," CEO and co-founder Paul Wedgwood told the Telegraph as part of a studio profile.
"We believe that social interaction is the future of interactive entertainment. We know that playing against humans is more compelling than playing against AI. We’ll explore all of those different things and try everything."
Beginning life as a group of modders for multiplayer shooters, S[plash Damage is understanably attached to the FPS genre - but that doesn't necessarily rule out something different next time.
“Our next game always seems to be a multiplayer FPS. But every time we get to the end of a project we explore everything," Wedgwood said.
"We would look at third-person stuff, more RPG-esque stuff, super realistic stuff, stylish."
The full article, available through the link above, gives some insight into Splash Damage's history, how it remains independent, and its studio culture.