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Moore: EA has a "commitment" to the Wii U

EA COO Peter Moore says the publisher is determined to see its games on the Wii U.

“Our teams are working on it around the world. Our key franchises will be there. We’ve made that commitment to Nintendo," Moore told Reuters.

The newly incumbent COO is visiting Nintendo HQ this week, and expects to nail the big N down on the system's final specs as well as expected launch timing and pricing.

"There are no indications that there’s anything that feels like it’s off target,” he said, perhaps responding to recent whispers of last minute technical difficulties affecting the console's launch line up development.

“No one thinks its going to replace an iPad 2 but it is playing into what a consumer feels comfortable with," he added.

Nintendo's E3 2011 debut of the Wii U made it clear the platform holder intends to court third-parties, a break from its strategy of the last few hardware generations.

Thanks, IGN.

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